Monday 1 November 2010


Above is a print screen of the official MTV website. The first icon you can click is the "channels" icon, which contains hyperlinks to take you to your required (targetted) genre.

I wanted to check what channel my music video would be broadcasted on, so I clicked onto the MTV ROCKS link, and this is the screen shot of what came up.
I believe that my music video would be broadcasted on MTV ROCKS, I was defienetly reinforced when I saw that the "MTV ROCKS Single of the Week" that they were promoting was "Only The Young" by 'Brandon Flowers' who is the main singer of 'The Killers'  - and this is the band that I have chosen to re-make one of their videos. This proves that the rock/indie genre really does belong on this music channel.

This again reinforces the fact that MTV ROCKS would be the most appropriate channel that would broadcast my music video, as it shows above that on this particular week on "This week on MTV ROCKS" that they are doing a peice on "The Killers vs. Kings of Leon".

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