Monday 4 October 2010


Idea 1:
Nirvana: Smells like teenage spirit:
This would be a dark video, it would come across as quite raunchy and flirty - yet it would also have a hidden feel of pain and struggle. This video would tell a story of a routine night of a prostitute. We would see her sleeping in the day, and then her getting ready for work at night. We would see her putting on the stereotypical fishnet stockings, bold read lipstick etc. This would all be in black and white, with the colour red being heightened throughout, to symbolise the scarlet lady, seductive and secretively; as well as the scars, the blood from fights maybe.
We would see long shots of her walking down streetlamp lit roads, with cars honking their horn, pulling over, then her getting in to the car. I would like it to be as vivid and raw as it could be with handheld cameras throughout, showing the realism of this way of life. It would definitely be a narrative, but not a performance, as she would not be miming. The "here we are now, entertain us" really does sum up this woman's life and profession - she is an entertainer.

Idea 2:
The Killers: Smile like you mean it:
This would be a narrative about the journey of two long lovers in their quest to be with each other. It is much like Romeo and Juliet in its story. We would see their forbidden love through the attitudes of their parents. Scenes will include close-ups of the young lovers' faces, their longing for one and other. We would see the boy climbing up to the girls window to see her and the parents finding them together.
We see them packing their clothes in the hope of running away to be with each other. We would see them on buses with big backpacks, stealing food, sleeping rough and attempting to hitch-hike on motorways. None of the actors would be miming though.
The majority of the shots will be at night, this reveals their love is dark and hidden.
Throughout the video, there would be normal colour. It would be a handheld camera used, to portray the unstable relationship.

Idea 3:
The Killers: All the things that I've done:
This is the idea that I have been thinking about since I heard that we were making a music video last year.
It focuses on a boy who has problems, he has to take pills and write in a journal as he suffers with nerves and depression. He is in bed, we see that it is his "appointment day" on the calender on the wall. We do not know that this is for, it is ambiguous. Then we see him get up and write in his journal, we see a picture of a girl and him on some swings in a park, the picture comes to life and the girl disappears. We see the boy going to this appointment, it is at a health center to see a psychiatrist. There would be some shot reverse shots used to show conversation between the psychiatrist to the boy. The boy goes slightly crazy and unresponsive in the room. Then the psychiatrist calls security and he gets dragged out.
The boy would be miming throughout the video, there would be both handheld camera usage and the tripod. It would start in black and white, then have heightened colour also.

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