Monday 18 October 2010

Role Allocation - I am the Auteur.

If I was working in a group then, each group member would have been allocated a different role. There should be a DIRECTOR, CAMERAPERSON, EDITOR, WRITER, etc.


I am working as an INDIVIDUAL, so I will be adopting the roles above as the AUTEUR.

AUTEUR actually is French for "Author". Basically, this theory was developed in the 1950's era. It suggests that the director of the film will create the film reflecting their personal opinion and however they envision it, as they are the primary creator - it is made as they would personally see and want it. 

Sometimes the auteur can influence the movie enough for it to put the 'studio interference' to the backburner just using their 'creative voice'.

By law, the Auteur is the original copyright holder also!

François Truffaut above.

The "auteur theory" effected "film criticism" from when it was brought to light in 1954 by film director and film critic
François Truffaut. 

The Auteur theory originates from a group of cinema enthusiasts who wrote for Cahiers du Cinéma and argued that films should reveal the director's personal vision. The enthusiasts included auteurs such as:                                                           
Alfred Hitchcock:   
Jean Renoir: 


 Howard Hawks:

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