I have created a questionnaire about music videos, this helps me develop my ideas further to give the audience what they want and look for in a music video...
I asked 10 people to fill in my questionnaire, so I could allow the results to be transferred into percentages easier. I wanted to make my questionnaire have a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions. I also assured that my questionnaire was as fair as possible, asking 5 males and 5 females between the ages of 16-36+. The public is varied in ages, so why restrict my questionnaire to appeal to just teenagers?
I noticed that the age of a person doesn't necessarily mean that they like different music genres to a teenager, their song choices may differ, but they will definitely show similarities also.
Questions 1 and 2 (as you can see above) are just asking about gender and age.
The 3rd question about "preferred genre" had a varied result of:
Rock/Indie -> 50%
Reggae -> 20%
Hip Hop/ RnB -> 20%
Ska -> 10%
As I am creating a music video which conforms to the "Rock/Indie" category, at least I know, with the participants who answered the questionnaire that it may (if done correctly) appeal to them, as it had the highest result of half of the participants asked.
I almost realised that I was lucky with this questionnaire, as one of the choices were "other"; yet I didn't write 'please specify' after, which would have helped me develop a more specific answer and idea of what people prefer.
The 4th question was asking what your favourite music channel, it was a qualitative question, so the participants were required to write down their answer:
Kerrang -> 50%
MTV Base -> 40%
Magic -> 10%
These results were quite interesting. It showed that the 20% that liked Reggae and the 20% that enjoyed Hip Hop were more likely to watch MTV Base. The 50% that chose Rock/Indie, all chose Kerrang as their favoured music channel. And the final 10% that picked Ska music as their favourite genre wrote that they watched Magic (which I know focuses on 70's and 80's classics).
The 5th question is about what format they use most to watch music videos:
Youtube -> 70%
Television -> 20%
Mobile phone -> 10%
This is pretty self explanatory, it just proves that in this generation, we rely on computer technology a lot more than the original format of Television.
The 6th question is asking which type of music video they prefer:
Abstract -> 0%
Performance -> 30%
Narrative -> 70%
The overall reason for choosing the "Narrative" choice consisted of "more interesting" and "enjoy the story behind the music" throughout all results. However, coincidentally, the 3 participants out of 10 that chose "Performance" as their preferred type of music video also all chose "Rock/Indie" as their preferred music genre. Stereotypically, "Performance" music videos are mostly related with Rock/Indie anyway.
The 7th question is about whether the participants like Linear or Non Linear music videos:
Linear -> 100%
Non Linear -> 0%
Even though I didn't add "and why?" at the of that question, I asked the participants why all answered "Linear". I deduced that it can easily confuse people when music videos lack chronological order.
The 8th question is asking whether special effects are liked in music videos and I gave some examples also; these are the results:
Yes -> 90%
No -> 10%
The majority that said "yes" to the liking of special effects such as black and white, fades, sepia and split screens all said it made the music video more "enjoyable". However, I will also take into account the 1 out of 10 that said "no" to liking special effects with the reason of it "easily can lack realism".
The 9th question asked people if they had heard of The Killers:
Yes -> 100%
No ->0%
Thankfully, everyone that participated had heard of The Killers.
The 10th question asked what their favourite Killers music video was:
All the things that I've done -> 10%
Mr Brightside -> 40%
When you were young -> 50%
Other -> 0%
Again, I am very lucky with this, as I didn't write "please specify" after "Other", yet nobody ticked this box. It's good and bad that only 1 out of 10 people who took part in the questionnaire favoured "All the things that I've done". This is bad because it is the music video I choose to recreate. Yet, it is good, as I will try to (by using these results) make it as visually interesting as I can.
The 11th question asks if they prefer it when the music videos relate to the lyrics:
Yes -> 70%
No -> 0%
I'm not sure -> 30%
This definitely helps me, as I have annotated the lyrics of "All the things that I've done" in the hope to allow it to not be obvious representations of the lyrics in visual, yet it will subtly symbolise and relate to the lyrics.
The 12th question is the last one of the questionnaire, it is asking what you watch music videos for:
See the artist -> 0%
Listen to the lyrics -> 0%
Both -> 100%
I now know that the artist is just as important as the lyrics, so I need to have a good performer for my music video.
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